Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pandas as pd
from thefuzz import process

    from import Iterable

    from anndata import AnnData

        from import CAT

    except ModuleNotFoundError:

def _format_df_column(df: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str) -> list[tuple[int, str]]:
    """Format the df to match: formatted_data = [(row_id, row_text), (row_id, row_text), ...]
    as this is required by MedCAT's multiprocessing annotation step

    formatted_data = []
    for id, row in df.iterrows():
        text = row[column_name]
        formatted_data.append((id, text))
    return formatted_data

def _flatten_annotated_results(annotation_results: dict) -> dict:
    """Flattens the nested set (usually 5 level nested) of annotation results.

    annotation_results is just a simple flattened dict with infos on all entities found
    flattened_annotated_dict = {}
    entry_nr = 0

    # row numbers where the text column is located in the original data
    for row_id in annotation_results.keys():
        # all entities extracted from a given row
        entities = annotation_results[row_id]["entities"]
        for entity_id in entities.keys():
            # tokens are currently ignored, as they will not appear with the current basic model used by ehrapy from MedCAT
            if entity_id != "tokens":
                single_entity = {"row_nr": row_id}
                entity = entities[entity_id]
                # iterate over all info attributes of a single entity found in a specific row
                for entity_key in entity.keys():
                    if entity_key in ["pretty_name", "cui", "type_ids", "types"]:
                        single_entity[entity_key] = entities[entity_id][entity_key]
                    elif entity_key == "meta_anns":
                        single_entity[entity_key] = entities[entity_id][entity_key]["Status"]["value"]
                flattened_annotated_dict[entry_nr] = single_entity
                entry_nr += 1
    return flattened_annotated_dict

[docs] def annotate_text( adata: AnnData, cat: CAT, text_column: str, key_added: str = "medcat_annotations", n_proc: int = 2, batch_size_chars: int = 500000, copy: bool = False, ) -> AnnData | None: """Annotate the original free text data. Note this will only annotate non null rows. The result is a DataFrame. This DataFrame serves as the base for all further analyses, for example coloring UMAPs by specific diseases. Args: adata: AnnData object that holds the data to annotate. cat: MedCAT object. text_column: Name of the column that should be annotated. key_added: Key to add to adata.uns for the annotated results. n_proc: Number of processors to use. batch_size_chars: batch size to use for CAT's multiprocessing method. copy: Whether to copy adata or not. Returns: Returns `None` if `copy=False`, else returns an `AnnData` object. Sets the following fields; `adata.uns[key_added]` : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame with the annotated results. """ if copy: adata = adata.copy() non_null_text = pd.DataFrame(adata.obs[text_column][~adata.obs[text_column].isnull()]) formatted_text_column = _format_df_column(non_null_text, text_column) results = cat.multiprocessing(formatted_text_column, batch_size_chars=batch_size_chars, nproc=n_proc) flattened_res = _flatten_annotated_results(results) # flatten annotated results into a Pandas DataFrame and remove duplicate entries; for example when a single entity like a disease is mentioned multiple times without any meaningful context changes # Example: The patient suffers from Diabetes. Cause of the Diabetes, he receives drug X. flattened_res_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(flattened_res, orient="index").drop_duplicates( subset=["cui", "row_nr", "meta_anns"] ) # sort for row number in ascending order and reset index to keep index updated adata.uns[key_added] = flattened_res_df.sort_values(by=["row_nr"]).reset_index(drop=True) return adata if copy else None
def _filter_df_by_status(df: pd.DataFrame, status: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Util function to filter passed dataframe by status.""" df_res = df if status != "Both": if status not in {"Affirmed", "Other"}: raise StatusNotSupportedError(f"{status} is not available. Please use either Affirmed, Other or Both!") mask = df["meta_anns"].values == status df_res = df[mask] return df_res
[docs] def get_medcat_annotation_overview( adata: AnnData, status: str = "Affirmed", use_key: str = "medcat_annotations" ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Provide an overview for the annotation results. An overview will look like the following: cui (the CUI), nsubjects (from how many rows this one got extracted), type_ids (TUIs), name(name of the entitiy), perc_subjects (how many rows relative to absolute number of rows) Args: medcat_obj: The current MedCAT object which holds all infos on NLP analysis with MedCAT and ehrapy. n: Basically the parameter for head() of pandas Dataframe. How many of the most common entities should be shown? status: One of "Affirmed" (default), "Other" or "Both". Displays stats for either only affirmed entities, negated ones or both. use_key: Key to use for the annotated results. Returns: A Pandas DataFrame with the overview stats. """ df = _filter_df_by_status(adata.uns[use_key], status) # group by CUI as this is a unique identifier per entity grouped = df.groupby("cui") # get absolute number of rows with this entity # note for overview, only one TUI and type is shown (there shouldn't be much situations were multiple are even possible or useful) res = grouped.agg( { "pretty_name": (lambda x: next(iter(set(x)))), "type_ids": (lambda x: next(iter(x))[0]), "types": (lambda x: next(iter(x))[0]), "row_nr": "nunique", } ) res = res.rename(columns={"row_nr": "n_patient_visit"}) # relative amount of patient visits with the specific entity to all patient visits (or rows in the original data) res["n_patient_visit_percent"] = (res["n_patient_visit"] / df["row_nr"].nunique()) * 100 res.round({"n_patient_visit_percent": 1}) return res
def _check_valid_name(df: pd.DataFrame, name: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Check whether the name is in the extracted entities to inform about possible typos. Currently, only the pretty_name column is supported. """ invalid_names = [] suggested_names = [] for nm in name: pretty_names = df["pretty_name"].unique() if nm not in pretty_names: invalid_names.append(nm) try: new_name, _ = process.extractOne(query=nm, choices=pretty_names, score_cutoff=50) suggested_names.append(new_name) except EntitiyNotFoundError: pass if invalid_names: suggested_str = f" Do you mean {suggested_names}?" if suggested_names else "" msg = f"Did not find {invalid_names} in MedCAT's extracted entities and added them not to .obs.{suggested_str}" raise EntitiyNotFoundError(msg)
[docs] def add_medcat_annotation_to_obs( adata: AnnData, name: Iterable[str] | str, use_key: str = "medcat_annotations", added_colname: Iterable[str] | str | None = None, copy: bool = False, ) -> AnnData | None: """Add info extracted from free text as a binary column to obs. Indicates whether the specific entity to color by has been found in that row or not. Args: adata: AnnData object that holds the data to annotate. name: Name of the entity to add as a column to obs. use_key: Key to use for the annotated results. added_colname: Name of the column to add to obs. If None, name will be used. copy: Whether to copy adata or not. Returns: Returns `None` if `copy=False`, else returns an `AnnData` object. Sets the following fields; `adata.obs[name | added_coname]` : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Added column(s) `to adata.obs`, indicating whether the specific entity to color by has been found in that row or not. """ if use_key not in adata.uns.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Key {use_key} not found in adata.uns. Please run first.") if copy: adata = adata.copy() if isinstance(name, str): annotation_names = [name] else: annotation_names = list(name) if added_colname is None: added_colname = annotation_names elif isinstance(added_colname, str): added_colname = [added_colname] added_colnames = list(added_colname) if len(added_colnames) != len(annotation_names): raise ValueError( f"Length of added_colname ({len(added_colnames)}) does not match length of name ({len(annotation_names)})." ) _check_valid_name(adata.uns[use_key], annotation_names) # only extract affirmed entities df = _filter_df_by_status(adata.uns[use_key], "Affirmed") # check whether the name is in the extracted entities to inform about possible typos # currently, only the pretty_name column is supported for i, annotation_name in enumerate(annotation_names): adata.obs[added_colnames[i]] = df.groupby("row_nr").agg( { "pretty_name": ( lambda row_pretty_names, annotation_name=annotation_name: any( row_pretty_names.isin([annotation_name]) ) ) } ) return adata if copy else None
class StatusNotSupportedError(Exception): pass class EntitiyNotFoundError(Exception): pass