Source code for ehrapy.anndata._feature_specifications

from functools import wraps
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from lamin_utils import logger
from rich import print
from rich.tree import Tree

from ehrapy.anndata._constants import CATEGORICAL_TAG, CONTINUOUS_TAG, DATE_TAG, FEATURE_TYPE_KEY
from ehrapy.anndata.anndata_ext import anndata_to_df

[docs] def infer_feature_types(adata: AnnData, layer: str | None = None, output: Literal["tree", "dataframe"] | None = "tree"): """Infer feature types from AnnData object. For each feature in adata.var_names, the method infers one of the following types: 'date', 'categorical', or 'numeric'. The inferred types are stored in adata.var['feature_type']. Please check the inferred types and adjust if necessary using adata.var['feature_type']['feature1']='corrected_type'. Be aware that not all features stored numerically are of 'numeric' type, as categorical features might be stored in a numerically encoded format. For example, a feature with values [0, 1, 2] might be a categorical feature with three categories. This is accounted for in the method, but it is recommended to check the inferred types. Args: adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` object storing the EHR data. layer: The layer to use from the AnnData object. If None, the X layer is used. output: The output format. Choose between 'tree', 'dataframe', or None. If 'tree', the feature types will be printed to the console in a tree format. If 'dataframe', a pandas DataFrame with the feature types will be returned. If None, nothing will be returned. Defaults to 'tree'. """ feature_types = {} df = anndata_to_df(adata, layer=layer) for feature in adata.var_names: col = df[feature].dropna() majority_type = col.apply(type).value_counts().idxmax() if majority_type == pd.Timestamp: feature_types[feature] = DATE_TAG elif majority_type not in [int, float, complex]: feature_types[feature] = CATEGORICAL_TAG # Guess categorical if the feature is an integer and the values are 0/1 to n-1 with no gaps elif np.all(i.is_integer() for i in col) and ( (col.min() == 0 and np.all(np.sort(col.unique()) == np.arange(col.nunique()))) or (col.min() == 1 and np.all(np.sort(col.unique()) == np.arange(1, col.nunique() + 1))) ): feature_types[feature] = CATEGORICAL_TAG else: feature_types[feature] = CONTINUOUS_TAG adata.var[FEATURE_TYPE_KEY] = pd.Series(feature_types)[adata.var_names] f"Stored feature types in adata.var['{FEATURE_TYPE_KEY}']." f" Please verify and adjust if necessary using adata.var['{FEATURE_TYPE_KEY}']['feature1']='corrected_type'." ) if output == "tree": feature_type_overview(adata) elif output == "dataframe": return adata.var[FEATURE_TYPE_KEY] elif output is not None: raise ValueError(f"Output format {output} not recognized. Choose between 'tree', 'dataframe', or None.")
def check_feature_types(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(adata, *args, **kwargs): if FEATURE_TYPE_KEY not in adata.var.keys(): raise ValueError("Feature types are not specified in adata.var. Please run `infer_feature_types` first.") np.all(adata.var[FEATURE_TYPE_KEY].isin([CATEGORICAL_TAG, CONTINUOUS_TAG, DATE_TAG])) return func(adata, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper @check_feature_types def feature_type_overview(adata: AnnData): """Print an overview of the feature types in the AnnData object.""" tree = Tree( f"[b] Detected feature types for AnnData object with {len(adata.obs_names)} obs and {len(adata.var_names)} vars", guide_style="underline2", ) branch = tree.add("📅[b] Date features") for date in sorted(adata.var_names[adata.var[FEATURE_TYPE_KEY] == DATE_TAG]): branch.add(date) branch = tree.add("📐[b] Numerical features") for numeric in sorted(adata.var_names[adata.var[FEATURE_TYPE_KEY] == CONTINUOUS_TAG]): branch.add(numeric) branch = tree.add("🗂️[b] Categorical features") cat_features = adata.var_names[adata.var[FEATURE_TYPE_KEY] == CATEGORICAL_TAG] df = anndata_to_df(adata[:, cat_features]) for categorical in sorted(cat_features): branch.add(f"{categorical} ({df.loc[:, categorical].nunique()} categories)") print(tree)