Source code for

from typing import Iterable, Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
from anndata import AnnData

from import _method_options

def _merge_arrays(arrays: Iterable[Iterable], groups_order) -> np.recarray:
    """Merge `recarray` obtained from scanpy with manually created numpy `array`"""
    groups_order = list(groups_order)

    # The easiest way to merge recarrays is through dataframe conversion
    dfs = []
    for array in arrays:
        if isinstance(array, np.recarray) or isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
            dfs.append(pd.DataFrame(array, columns=groups_order))
        elif isinstance(array, pd.DataFrame):

    concatenated_arrays = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True, axis=0)

    return concatenated_arrays.to_records(index=False)

def _adjust_pvalues(pvals: np.recarray, corr_method: _method_options._correction_method) -> np.array:
    """Perform per group p-values correction with a given `corr_method`

        pvals: numpy records array with p-values. The resulting p-values are corrected per group (i.e. column)
        corr_method: p-value correction method

        Records array of the same format as an input but with corrected p-values
    from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests

    method_map = {"benjamini-hochberg": "fdr_bh", "bonferroni": "bonferroni"}

    pvals_adj = np.ones_like(pvals)

    for group in pvals.dtype.names:
        group_pvals = pvals[group]

        _, group_pvals_adj, _, _ = multipletests(group_pvals, alpha=0.05, method=method_map[corr_method])
        pvals_adj[group] = group_pvals_adj

    return pvals_adj

def _sort_features(adata, key_added="rank_features_groups") -> None:
    """Sort results of :func:`` by adjusted p-value

        adata: Annotated data matrix after running :func:``
        key_added: The key in `adata.uns` information is saved to.
    if key_added not in adata.uns:

    pvals_adj = adata.uns[key_added]["pvals_adj"]

    for group in pvals_adj.dtype.names:
        group_pvals = pvals_adj[group]
        sorted_indexes = np.argsort(group_pvals)

        for key in adata.uns[key_added].keys():
            if key == "params":
                # This key only stores technical information, nothing to sort here

            # Sort every key (e.g. pvals, names) by adjusted p-value in an increasing order
            adata.uns[key_added][key][group] = adata.uns[key_added][key][group][sorted_indexes]

def _save_rank_features_result(
    adata, key_added, names, scores, pvals, pvals_adj=None, logfoldchanges=None, pts=None, groups_order=None
) -> None:
    """Write keys with statistical test results to adata.uns

        adata: Annotated data matrix after running :func:``
        key_added: The key in `adata.uns` information is saved to.
        names: Structured array storing the feature names
        scores: Array with the statistics
        logfoldchanges: logarithm of fold changes or other info to store under logfoldchanges key
        pvals: p-values of a statistical test
        pts: Percentages of cells containing features
        groups_order: order of groups in structured arrays
    fields = (names, scores, pvals, pvals_adj, logfoldchanges, pts)
    field_names = ("names", "scores", "pvals", "pvals_adj", "logfoldchanges", "pts")

    for values, key in zip(fields, field_names):
        if values is None or not len(values):

        if key not in adata.uns[key_added]:
            adata.uns[key_added][key] = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=groups_order).to_records(index=False)
            adata.uns[key_added][key] = _merge_arrays([adata.uns[key_added][key], values], groups_order=groups_order)

def _get_groups_order(groups_subset, group_names, reference):
    """Convert `groups` parameter of :func:`` to a list of groups

        groups_subset: Subset of groups, e.g. [`'g1'`, `'g2'`, `'g3'`], to which comparison
                       shall be restricted, or `'all'` (default), for all groups.
        group_names: list of all available group names
        reference: One of the groups of `'rest'`

        List of groups, subsetted or full

        >>> _get_groups_order(groups_subset="all", group_names=("A", "B", "C"), reference="B")
        ('A', 'B', 'C')
        >>> _get_groups_order(groups_subset=("A", "B"), group_names=("A", "B", "C"), reference="rest")
        ('A', 'B')
        >>> _get_groups_order(groups_subset=("A", "B"), group_names=("A", "B", "C"), reference="C")
        ('A', 'B', 'C')
    if groups_subset == "all":
        groups_order = group_names
    elif isinstance(groups_subset, (str, int)):
        raise ValueError("Specify a sequence of groups")
        groups_order = list(groups_subset)
        if isinstance(groups_order[0], int):
            groups_order = [str(n) for n in groups_order]
        if reference != "rest" and reference not in groups_order:
            groups_order += [reference]
    if reference != "rest" and reference not in group_names:
        raise ValueError(f"reference = {reference} needs to be one of groupby = {group_names}.")

    return tuple(groups_order)

def _evaluate_categorical_features(
    groups: Union[Literal["all"], Iterable[str]] = "all",
    reference: str = "rest",
    categorical_method: _method_options._rank_features_groups_cat_method = "g-test",
    """Run statistical test for categorical features.

        adata: Annotated data matrix.
        groupby: The key of the observations grouping to consider.
        groups: Subset of groups, e.g. [`'g1'`, `'g2'`, `'g3'`], to which comparison
                shall be restricted, or `'all'` (default), for all groups.
        reference: If `'rest'`, compare each group to the union of the rest of the group.
                   If a group identifier, compare with respect to this group.
        pts: Whether to add 'pts' key to output. Doesn't contain useful information in this case.
        categorical_method: statistical method to calculate differences between categories

        *names*: `np.array`
                  Structured array to be indexed by group id storing the feature names
        *scores*: `np.array`
                  Array to be indexed by group id storing the statistic underlying
                  the computation of a p-value for each feature for each group.
        *logfoldchanges*: `np.array`
                          Always equal to 1 for this function
        *pvals*: `np.array`
                 p-values of a statistical test
        *pts*: `np.array`
                 Always equal to 1 for this function
    from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

    tests_to_lambdas = {
        "chi-square": 1,
        "g-test": 0,
        "freeman-tukey": -1 / 2,
        "mod-log-likelihood": -1,
        "neyman": -2,
        "cressie-read": 2 / 3,

    categorical_names = []
    categorical_scores = []
    categorical_pvals = []
    categorical_logfoldchanges = []
    categorical_pts = []

    groups_order = _get_groups_order(groups_subset=groups, group_names=group_names, reference=reference)

    groups_values = adata.obs[groupby].to_numpy()

    for feature in adata.uns["encoded_non_numerical_columns"]:
        if feature == groupby or "ehrapycat_" + feature == groupby or feature == "ehrapycat_" + groupby:

        feature_values = adata[:, feature].X.flatten().toarray()

        pvals = []
        scores = []

        for group in group_names:
            if group not in groups_order:

            if reference == "rest":
                reference_mask = (groups_values != group) & np.isin(groups_values, groups_order)
                contingency_table = pd.crosstab(feature_values, reference_mask)
                obs_to_take = np.isin(groups_values, [group, reference])
                reference_mask = groups_values[obs_to_take] == reference
                contingency_table = pd.crosstab(feature_values[obs_to_take], reference_mask)

            score, p_value, _, _ = chi2_contingency(
                contingency_table.values, lambda_=tests_to_lambdas[categorical_method]

        categorical_names.append([feature] * len(group_names))
        # It is not clear, how to interpret logFC or percentages for categorical data
        # For now, leave some values so that plotting and sorting methods work
        if pts:

    return (

[docs]def rank_features_groups( adata: AnnData, groupby: str, groups: Union[Literal["all"], Iterable[str]] = "all", reference: str = "rest", n_features: Optional[int] = None, rankby_abs: bool = False, pts: bool = False, key_added: Optional[str] = "rank_features_groups", copy: bool = False, num_cols_method: _method_options._rank_features_groups_method = None, cat_cols_method: _method_options._rank_features_groups_cat_method = "g-test", correction_method: _method_options._correction_method = "benjamini-hochberg", tie_correct: bool = False, layer: Optional[str] = None, **kwds, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Rank features for characterizing groups. Expects logarithmized data. Args: adata: Annotated data matrix. groupby: The key of the observations grouping to consider. groups: Subset of groups, e.g. [`'g1'`, `'g2'`, `'g3'`], to which comparison shall be restricted, or `'all'` (default), for all groups. reference: If `'rest'`, compare each group to the union of the rest of the group. If a group identifier, compare with respect to this group. n_features: The number of features that appear in the returned tables. Defaults to all features. rankby_abs: Rank genes by the absolute value of the score, not by the score. The returned scores are never the absolute values. pts: Compute the fraction of observations containing the features. key_added: The key in `adata.uns` information is saved to. copy: Whether to return a copy of the AnnData object. num_cols_method: Statistical method to rank numerical features. The default method is `'t-test'`, `'t-test_overestim_var'` overestimates variance of each group, `'wilcoxon'` uses Wilcoxon rank-sum, `'logreg'` uses logistic regression. cat_cols_method: Statistical method to calculate differences between categorical features. The default method is `'g-test'`, `'Chi-square'` tests goodness-of-fit test for categorical data, `'Freeman-Tukey'` tests comparing frequency distributions, `'Mod-log-likelihood'` maximum likelihood estimation, `'Neyman'` tests hypotheses using asymptotic theory, `'Cressie-Read'` is a generalized likelihood test, correction_method: p-value correction method. Used only for statistical tests (e.g. doesn't work for "logreg" `num_cols_method`) tie_correct: Use tie correction for `'wilcoxon'` scores. Used only for `'wilcoxon'`. layer: Key from `adata.layers` whose value will be used to perform tests on. **kwds: Are passed to test methods. Currently this affects only parameters that are passed to :class:`sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression`. For instance, you can pass `penalty='l1'` to try to come up with a minimal set of genes that are good predictors (sparse solution meaning few non-zero fitted coefficients). Returns: *names*: structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_features_groups']`) Structured array to be indexed by group id storing the gene names. Ordered according to scores. *scores*: structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_features_groups']`) Structured array to be indexed by group id storing the z-score underlying the computation of a p-value for each gene for each group. Ordered according to scores. *logfoldchanges*: structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_features_groups']`) Structured array to be indexed by group id storing the log2 fold change for each gene for each group. Ordered according to scores. Only provided if method is 't-test' like. Note: this is an approximation calculated from mean-log values. *pvals*: structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_features_groups']`) p-values. *pvals_adj* : structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_features_groups']`) Corrected p-values. *pts*: `pandas.DataFrame` (`.uns['rank_features_groups']`) Fraction of cells expressing the genes for each group. *pts_rest*: `pandas.DataFrame` (`.uns['rank_features_groups']`) Only if `reference` is set to `'rest'`. Fraction of observations from the union of the rest of each group containing the features. Examples: >>> import ehrapy as ep >>> adata = ep.dt.mimic_2(encoded=True) >>>, "service_unit") >>> """ adata = adata.copy() if copy else adata if not adata.obs[groupby].dtype == "category": adata.obs[groupby] = pd.Categorical(adata.obs[groupby]) adata.uns[key_added] = {} adata.uns[key_added]["params"] = dict( groupby=groupby, reference=reference, method=num_cols_method, categorical_method=cat_cols_method, layer=layer, corr_method=correction_method, ) group_names = pd.Categorical(adata.obs[groupby].astype(str)).categories.tolist() if adata.uns["numerical_columns"]: # Rank numerical features # Without copying `numerical_adata` is a view, and code throws an error # because of "object" type of .X numerical_adata = adata[:, adata.uns["numerical_columns"]].copy() numerical_adata.X = numerical_adata.X.astype(float) numerical_adata, groupby, groups=groups, reference=reference, n_features=n_features, rankby_abs=rankby_abs, pts=pts, key_added=key_added, copy=False, method=num_cols_method, corr_method=correction_method, tie_correct=tie_correct, layer=layer, **kwds, ) # Update adata.uns with numerical result _save_rank_features_result( adata, key_added, names=numerical_adata.uns[key_added]["names"], scores=numerical_adata.uns[key_added]["scores"], pvals=numerical_adata.uns[key_added]["pvals"], pvals_adj=numerical_adata.uns[key_added].get("pvals_adj", None), logfoldchanges=numerical_adata.uns[key_added].get("logfoldchanges", None), pts=numerical_adata.uns[key_added].get("pts", None), groups_order=group_names, ) if adata.uns["encoded_non_numerical_columns"]: ( categorical_names, categorical_scores, categorical_pvals, categorical_logfoldchanges, categorical_pts, ) = _evaluate_categorical_features( adata=adata, groupby=groupby, group_names=group_names, groups=groups, reference=reference, categorical_method=cat_cols_method, ) _save_rank_features_result( adata, key_added, names=categorical_names, scores=categorical_scores, pvals=categorical_pvals, pvals_adj=categorical_pvals.copy(), logfoldchanges=categorical_logfoldchanges, pts=categorical_pts, groups_order=group_names, ) # Adjust p values if "pvals" in adata.uns[key_added]: adata.uns[key_added]["pvals_adj"] = _adjust_pvalues( adata.uns[key_added]["pvals"], corr_method=correction_method ) # For some reason, pts should be a DataFrame if "pts" in adata.uns[key_added]: adata.uns[key_added]["pts"] = pd.DataFrame(adata.uns[key_added]["pts"]) _sort_features(adata, key_added) return adata if copy else None