Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import warnings
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any, Literal

import anndata
import dowhy
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from ehrapy import logging as logg


class capture_output(list):
    def __enter__(self):
        self._stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = self._stringio = StringIO()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        del self._stringio  # free up some memory
        sys.stdout = self._stdout

[docs]def causal_inference( adata: anndata.AnnData, graph: nx.DiGraph | str, treatment: str, outcome: str, estimation_method: Literal[ "backdoor.propensity_score_matching", "backdoor.propensity_score_stratification", "backdoor.propensity_score_weighting", "backdoor.linear_regression", "backdoor.generalized_linear_model", "iv.instrumental_variable", "iv.regression_discontinuity", "backdoor.econml.linear_model.LinearDML", "backdoor.econml.nonparametric_model.NonParamDML", "backdoor.econml.causal_forest.CausalForestDML", "backdoor.econml.forecast_model.ForestDML", "backdoor.econml.dml.DML", "backdoor.econml.dml.DMLCate", "backdoor.econml.xgboost.XGBTRegressor", "backdoor.econml.xgboost.XGBTEstimator", "backdoor.econml.metalearners.XLearner", ], refute_methods: None | list[str] | ( list[ Literal[ "placebo_treatment_refuter", "random_common_cause", "data_subset_refuter", "add_unobserved_common_cause" ] ] ) = None, print_causal_estimate: bool = False, print_summary: bool = True, return_as: Literal["estimate", "refute", "estimate+refute"] = "estimate", show_graph: bool = False, show_refute_plots: bool | Literal["colormesh", "contour", "line"] | None = None, attempts: int = 10, *, identify_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, estimate_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, refute_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> tuple[dowhy.CausalEstimate, dict[str, str | dict[str, float]]]: """ Performs causal inference on an AnnData object using the specified causal model and returns a tuple containing the causal estimate and the results of any refutation tests. Args: adata: An AnnData object containing the input data. graph: A str representing the causal graph to use. treatment: A str representing the treatment variable in the causal graph. outcome: A str representing the outcome variable in the causal graph. estimation_method: An optional Literal specifying the estimation method to use. Defaults to "backdoor.propensity_score_stratification". refute_methods: An optional List of Literal specifying the methods to use for refutation tests. Defaults to ["placebo_treatment_refuter", "random_common_cause", "data_subset_refuter"]. print_causal_estimate: Whether to print the causal estimate or not, default is False. print_summary: Whether to print the causal model summary or not, default is True. return_as: An optional Literal specifying the type of output to return. Defaults to "summary". show_graph: Whether to display the graph or not, default is False. show_refute_plots: Whether to display the refutation plots or not, default is False. attempts: Number of attempts to try to generate a valid causal estimate, default is 10. identify_kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for dowhy.CausalModel.identify_effect(). estimate_kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for dowhy.CausalModel.estimate_effect(). refute_kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for dowhy.CausalModel.refute_estimate(). Returns: A tuple containing the causal estimate and a dictionary of the results of any refutation tests. Raises: TypeError: If adata, graph, treatment, outcome, refute_methods, estimation_method, or return_as is not of the expected type. ValueError: If refute_methods or estimation_method contains an unknown value, or if return_as is an unknown value. Examples: >>> data = dowhy.datasets.linear_dataset( >>> beta=10, >>> num_common_causes=5, >>> num_instruments=2, >>> num_samples=1000, >>> treatment_is_binary=True, >>> ) >>> >>> >>> adata=anndata.AnnData(data["df"]), >>> graph=data["gml_graph"], >>> treatment="v0", >>> outcome="y", >>> estimation_method="backdoor.propensity_score_stratification", >>> ) >>> >>> estimate = >>> adata=self.linear_data, >>> graph=self.linear_graph, >>> treatment="treatment", >>> outcome="outcome", >>> estimation_method="backdoor.linear_regression", >>> return_as="estimate", >>> show_graph=True, >>> show_refute_plots=True, >>> ) >>> """ if not isinstance(adata, anndata.AnnData): raise TypeError("Parameter 'adata' must be an instance of anndata.AnnData.") if not isinstance(graph, (nx.DiGraph, str)): raise TypeError("Input graph must be a networkx DiGraph or string.") if not isinstance(treatment, str): raise TypeError("treatment must be a string") if not isinstance(outcome, str): raise TypeError("outcome must be a string") valid_refute_methods = [ "placebo_treatment_refuter", "random_common_cause", "data_subset_refuter", "add_unobserved_common_cause", ] if refute_methods is None: refute_methods = valid_refute_methods if not isinstance(refute_methods, (list, str)): raise TypeError("Parameter 'refute_methods' must be a list or a string") if isinstance(refute_methods, str): refute_methods = [refute_methods] if isinstance(refute_methods, list): if not all([isinstance(rm, str) for rm in refute_methods]): raise TypeError("When parameter 'refute_methods' is a list, all of them must be strings.") for method in refute_methods: if method not in valid_refute_methods: raise ValueError(f"Unknown refute method {method}") if not isinstance(estimation_method, str): raise TypeError("estimation_method must be a string") if not isinstance(return_as, str): raise TypeError("return_as must be a string") if return_as not in ["estimate", "refute", "estimate+refute"]: raise ValueError(f"Unknown value for return_as '{return_as}': {return_as}") if not isinstance(show_graph, bool): raise TypeError("Parameter 'show_graph' must be a boolean.") identify_kwargs = identify_kwargs or {} estimate_kwargs = estimate_kwargs or {} refute_kwargs = refute_kwargs or {} if show_refute_plots is None or show_refute_plots is False: refute_kwargs["plotmethod"] = None elif isinstance(show_refute_plots, str): refute_kwargs["plotmethod"] = show_refute_plots elif show_refute_plots is True: refute_kwargs["plotmethod"] = "colormesh" user_gave_num_simulations = "num_simulations" in refute_kwargs user_gave_random_seed = "random_state" in refute_kwargs found_problematic_pvalues = True model = dowhy.CausalModel(data=adata.to_df(), graph=graph, treatment=treatment, outcome=outcome) if show_graph: model.view_model() # For some reason, dowhy sometimes fails to calculate a pval # and spits out NaN or values greater than 1. In that case we just try again. failed_attempts = 0 while found_problematic_pvalues: if not user_gave_num_simulations: refute_kwargs["num_simulations"] = np.random.randint(70, 90) if not user_gave_random_seed: refute_kwargs["random_seed"] = np.random.randint(0, 100) identified_estimand = model.identify_effect(**identify_kwargs) # otherwise prints estimation_method with capture_output() as _: # input validation since `dowhy` does not do it if "." not in estimation_method: raise ValueError(f"Estimation method '{estimation_method}' not supported.") else: if len(estimation_method.split(".")) > 2: if not any(["dowhy" in estimation_method, "_estimator" in estimation_method]): raise ValueError(f"Estimation method '{estimation_method}' not supported.") estimate = model.estimate_effect(identified_estimand, method_name=estimation_method, **estimate_kwargs) refute_results: dict[str, str | dict[str, str]] = {} for method in refute_methods: try: with capture_output() as _: refute = model.refute_estimate( identified_estimand, estimate, method_name=method, verbose=False, **refute_kwargs ) refute_failed = False except ValueError as e: refute_failed = True refute_results[method] = str(e) # type: ignore if refute_failed: logg.warning(f"[dowhy] Refutation '{method}' failed.") else: # only returns dict when pval should be a number if isinstance(refute.refutation_result, dict): if 0 <= refute.refutation_result["p_value"] <= 1: found_problematic_pvalues = False else: failed_attempts += 1 if failed_attempts <= attempts: found_problematic_pvalues = True logg.warning( f"[dowhy] Refutation '{method}' returned invalid pval '{str(refute.refutation_result['p_value'])}', retrying ({failed_attempts}/{attempts})" ) break else: found_problematic_pvalues = False else: found_problematic_pvalues = False if not refute_failed: test_significance = refute.estimated_effect # Try to extract pval, fails for "add_unobserved_common_cause" refuter try: pval = f"{refute.refutation_result['p_value']:.3f}" except TypeError: pval = "Not applicable" # Format effect, can be list when refuter is "add_unobserved_common_cause" if isinstance(refute.new_effect, (list, tuple)): new_effect = ", ".join([str(np.round(x, 2)) for x in refute.new_effect]) else: new_effect = f"{refute.new_effect:.3f}" refute_results[str(refute.refutation_type)] = { "Estimated effect": refute.estimated_effect, "New effect": new_effect, "p-value": pval, "test_significance": test_significance, } # Create the summary string summary = f"Causal inference results for treatment variable '{treatment}' and outcome variable '{outcome}':\n" with capture_output() as output: estimate.interpret(method_name="textual_effect_interpreter") if output is not None: summary += f"└- {''.join(output)}\n" else: summary += f"└- Estimated effect: {estimate.value}\n" summary += "\nRefutation results\n" for idx, (method, results) in enumerate(refute_results.items()): # type: ignore left_char = "|" if (idx + 1) != len(refute_results.keys()) else " " branch_char = "├" if (idx + 1) != len(refute_results.keys()) else "└" if isinstance(results, str): summary += f"├-Refute: {method}\n" summary += f"{left_char} └- {results}\n" else: summary += f"{branch_char}-{method}\n" summary += f"{left_char} ├- Estimated effect: {results['Estimated effect']:.2f}\n" summary += f"{left_char} ├- New effect: {results['New effect']}\n" summary += f"{left_char} ├- p-value: {results['p-value']}\n" summary += f"{left_char} └- Test significance: {results['test_significance']:.2f}\n" if print_causal_estimate: print(estimate) if print_summary: print(summary) if return_as == "estimate": return estimate elif return_as == "refute": return refute_results # type: ignore elif return_as == "estimate+refute": return estimate, refute_results # type: ignore else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid return_as argument: {return_as}")