Source code for ehrapy.plot._survival_analysis

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Sequence
from xmlrpc.client import Boolean

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData
from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from numpy import ndarray
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import RegressionResults

import ehrapy as ep

[docs]def ols( adata: AnnData | None = None, x: str | None = None, y: str | None = None, scatter_plot: Boolean | None = True, ols_results: list[RegressionResults] | None = None, ols_color: list[str] | None | None = None, xlabel: str | None = None, ylabel: str | None = None, figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = None, lines: list[tuple[ndarray | float, ndarray | float]] | None = None, lines_color: list[str] | None | None = None, lines_style: list[str] | None | None = None, lines_label: list[str] | None | None = None, xlim: tuple[float, float] | None = None, ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = None, show: bool | None = None, ax: Axes | None = None, title: str | None = None, **kwds, ): """Plots a Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Model result, scatter plot, and line plot. Args: adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` object object containing all observations. x: x coordinate, for scatter plotting. y: y coordinate, for scatter plotting. scatter_plot: If True, show scatter plot. Defaults to True. ols_results: List of RegressionResults from Example: [result_1, result_2] ols_color: List of colors for each ols_results. Example: ['red', 'blue']. xlabel: The x-axis label text. ylabel: The y-axis label text. figsize: Width, height in inches. Defaults to None. lines: List of Tuples of (slope, intercept) or (x, y). Plot lines by slope and intercept or data points. Example: plot two lines (y = x + 2 and y = 2*x + 1): [(1, 2), (2, 1)] lines_color: List of colors for each line. Example: ['red', 'blue'] lines_style: List of line styles for each line. Example: ['-', '--'] lines_label: List of line labels for each line. Example: ['Line1', 'Line2'] xlim: Set the x-axis view limits. Required for only plotting lines using slope and intercept. ylim: Set the y-axis view limits. Required for only plotting lines using slope and intercept. show: Show the plot, do not return axis. ax: A matplotlib axes object. Only works if plotting a single component. title: Set the title of the plot. Examples: >>> import ehrapy as ep >>> adata = ep.dt.mimic_2(encoded=False) >>> co2_lm_result =, var_names=['pco2_first', 'tco2_first'], formula='tco2_first ~ pco2_first', missing="drop").fit() >>>, x='pco2_first', y='tco2_first', ols_results=[co2_lm_result], ols_color=['red'], xlabel="PCO2", ylabel="TCO2") .. image:: /_static/docstring_previews/ols_plot_1.png >>> import ehrapy as ep >>> adata = ep.dt.mimic_2(encoded=False) >>>, x='pco2_first', y='tco2_first', lines=[(0.25, 10), (0.3, 20)], >>> lines_color=['red', 'blue'], lines_style=['-', ':'], lines_label=['Line1', 'Line2']) .. image:: /_static/docstring_previews/ols_plot_2.png >>> import ehrapy as ep >>>[(0.25, 10), (0.3, 20)], lines_color=['red', 'blue'], lines_style=['-', ':'], >>> lines_label=['Line1', 'Line2'], xlim=(0, 150), ylim=(0, 50)) .. image:: /_static/docstring_previews/ols_plot_3.png """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) if ols_color is None and ols_results is not None: ols_color = [None] * len(ols_results) if lines_color is None and lines is not None: lines_color = [None] * len(lines) if lines_style is None and lines is not None: lines_style = [None] * len(lines) if lines_label is None and lines is not None: lines_label = [None] * len(lines) if adata is not None and x is not None and y is not None: x_processed = np.array(adata[:, x].X).astype(float) x_processed = x_processed[~np.isnan(x_processed)] if scatter_plot is True: ax =, x=x, y=y, show=False, ax=ax, **kwds) if ols_results is not None: for i, ols_result in enumerate(ols_results): ax.plot(x_processed, ols_result.predict(), color=ols_color[i]) if lines is not None: for i, line in enumerate(lines): a, b = line if np.ndim(a) == 0 and np.ndim(b) == 0: line_x = np.array(ax.get_xlim()) line_y = a * line_x + b ax.plot(line_x, line_y, linestyle=lines_style[i], color=lines_color[i], label=lines_label[i]) else: ax.plot(a, b, lines_style[i], color=lines_color[i], label=lines_label[i]) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if title: plt.title(title) if lines_label is not None and lines_label[0] is not None: plt.legend() if not show: return ax
[docs]def kmf( kmfs: Sequence[KaplanMeierFitter] = None, ci_alpha: list[float] | None = None, ci_force_lines: list[Boolean] | None = None, ci_show: list[Boolean] | None = None, ci_legend: list[Boolean] | None = None, at_risk_counts: list[Boolean] | None = None, color: list[str] | None | None = None, grid: Boolean | None = False, xlim: tuple[float, float] | None = None, ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = None, xlabel: str | None = None, ylabel: str | None = None, figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = None, show: bool | None = None, title: str | None = None, ): """Plots a pretty figure of the Fitted KaplanMeierFitter model See Args: kmfs: Iterables of fitted KaplanMeierFitter objects. ci_alpha: The transparency level of the confidence interval. If more than one kmfs, this should be a list. Defaults to 0.3. ci_force_lines: Force the confidence intervals to be line plots (versus default shaded areas). If more than one kmfs, this should be a list. Defaults to False . ci_show: Show confidence intervals. If more than one kmfs, this should be a list. Defaults to True . ci_legend: If ci_force_lines is True, this is a boolean flag to add the lines' labels to the legend. If more than one kmfs, this should be a list. Defaults to False . at_risk_counts: Show group sizes at time points. If more than one kmfs, this should be a list. Defaults to False. color: List of colors for each kmf. If more than one kmfs, this should be a list. grid: If True, plot grid lines. xlim: Set the x-axis view limits. ylim: Set the y-axis view limits. xlabel: The x-axis label text. ylabel: The y-axis label text. figsize: Width, height in inches. Defaults to None . show: Show the plot, do not return axis. title: Set the title of the plot. Examples: >>> import ehrapy as ep >>> import numpy as np >>> adata = ep.dt.mimic_2(encoded=False) # Because in MIMIC-II database, `censor_fl` is censored or death (binary: 0 = death, 1 = censored). # While in KaplanMeierFitter, `event_observed` is True if the the death was observed, False if the event was lost (right-censored). # So we need to flip `censor_fl` when pass `censor_fl` to KaplanMeierFitter >>> adata[:, ['censor_flg']].X = np.where(adata[:, ['censor_flg']].X == 0, 1, 0) >>> kmf =[:, ['mort_day_censored']].X, adata[:, ['censor_flg']].X) >>>[kmf], color=['r'], xlim=[0, 700], ylim=[0, 1], xlabel="Days", ylabel="Proportion Survived", show=True) .. image:: /_static/docstring_previews/kmf_plot_1.png >>> T = adata[:, ['mort_day_censored']].X >>> E = adata[:, ['censor_flg']].X >>> groups = adata[:, ['service_unit']].X >>> ix1 = (groups == 'FICU') >>> ix2 = (groups == 'MICU') >>> ix3 = (groups == 'SICU') >>> kmf_1 =[ix1], E[ix1], label='FICU') >>> kmf_2 =[ix2], E[ix2], label='MICU') >>> kmf_3 =[ix3], E[ix3], label='SICU') >>>[kmf_1, kmf_2, kmf_3], ci_show=[False,False,False], color=['k','r', 'g'], >>> xlim=[0, 750], ylim=[0, 1], xlabel="Days", ylabel="Proportion Survived") .. image:: /_static/docstring_previews/kmf_plot_2.png """ if ci_alpha is None: ci_alpha = [0.3] * len(kmfs) if ci_force_lines is None: ci_force_lines = [False] * len(kmfs) if ci_show is None: ci_show = [True] * len(kmfs) if ci_legend is None: ci_legend = [False] * len(kmfs) if at_risk_counts is None: at_risk_counts = [False] * len(kmfs) if color is None: color = [None] * len(kmfs) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for i, kmf in enumerate(kmfs): if i == 0: ax = kmf.plot_survival_function( ci_alpha=ci_alpha[i], ci_force_lines=ci_force_lines[i], ci_show=ci_show[i], ci_legend=ci_legend[i], at_risk_counts=at_risk_counts[i], color=color[i], ) else: ax = kmf.plot_survival_function( ax=ax, ci_alpha=ci_alpha[i], ci_force_lines=ci_force_lines[i], ci_show=ci_show[i], ci_legend=ci_legend[i], at_risk_counts=at_risk_counts[i], color=color[i], ) ax.grid(grid) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if title: plt.title(title) if not show: return ax